December 2023

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified 34 years ago at the UN General Assembly. Every year, on November 20th, it is celebrated World Children's Day to remember this important historical milestone. However, in a recent article published on the UNICEF website...

Sara Pereira, coordinator of the project "bYou – Study on children and young people´s experiences and expressions of the media", financed by FCT, presented the general outline of the project and some of the results during the program 90 Segundos de Ciência (90 Seconds of...

Cláudia Agostinho (24 years old), Martim Agostinho (20), Mariana Agostinho (11) and Catarina Mota (23), born in Leiria, and Sofia Oliveira (18) and André Oliveira (15) from Almada, Portugal, sued 32 countries for lack of satisfactory actions to promote significant changes against the effects of...

Researchers from the bYou project presented the communication Participation through the lenses of children and youth in Portugal: conceptions, forms and reasons for participating and not participating at the conference “Disrupted or disruptive audiences? From reception to participation in a post-truth era”. The ECREA Audience...

In a small town in northern France, four teenagers from a neighbourhood with a reputation for being "problematic" are selected to star in a film, which will profoundly affect their lives. The residents wonder why they have chosen the "worst" in their neighbourhood. The film's...