90 seconds of science

Sara Pereira, coordinator of the project “bYou – Study on children and young people´s experiences and expressions of the media”, financed by FCT, presented the general outline of the project and some of the results during the program 90 Segundos de Ciência (90 Seconds of Science), episode 168, broadcast last October 4th. To listen to the podcast click here: https://www.rtp.pt/play/p2936/e719870/90-segundos-ciencia


90 Seconds of Science is a project of the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology António Xavier ITQB NOVA, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences – FCSH NOVA, both from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Antena 1, with the support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

For more information byou@ics.uminho.pt