The bYou Congress Children, young people and the media: (dis)connected lives? will be held between the 7th and 8th of February 2025, at the University of Minho, Gualtar. The event will present current debates about the younger generations´ daily uses of the media, their practices of expression and participation, and the themes that motivate them to (dis)connect from the screen. Throughout the event it will also be presented data obtained by the bYou project Study on children and young people´s experiences and expressions of the media.
The proposals must include results of studies or pedagogical practices involving the media, children and young people up to the age of 18 with the following themes:
– Media practices (Internet, social networks, cinema/audiovisual, consumption of information and news, ..);
– Importance of the media in everyday life;
– Wellbeing and media;
– Rights of children and the media;
– Participation and expression in and through the media;
– Creation and production about, with and for children and young people;
– Media productions for children and young people;
– School media;
– Media literacy;
– Research methodologies with children and young people;
– Other topics that are relevant within the scope of the congress theme.
The congress will be held in person and in Portuguese.
For more information about the event and registration, access the link

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