ECREA – the European Communication Research and Education Association – brings together communication researchers and university teachers from all over Europe. Every two years, this association brings together more than 1,000 professionals in a different European city to participate in the ECREA conference and to disseminate and discuss the results of their ongoing or completed research.
This year’s ECREA conference was held in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana from September 24th to 27th under the theme “Communication (dis)order”. The bYou team attended the event and presented three papers.
The first was on September 23 at the ECREA pre-conference entitled ‘Young People and News: Breaking Boundaries Across Europe’, where Joana Fillol presented some preliminary results of her doctoral thesis as part of the bYou project with the paper ‘Engaging Young people with the news: insights from an action research study in Portuguese schools’.
The other two presentations took place on September 26th in a panel entitled ‘Children and Youth Participation’.
Sara Pereira and Mariana Menezes jointly presented the paper ‘Participation of children and youth in digital landscapes: a qualitative study from Portugal’, with the results of data from 59 focus groups carried out as part of the bYou project.
Daniel Brandão presented the paper “Expressions of Portuguese children and young people about the media and other issues: analyzing participation in the “Express yourself” Campaign”, on a first analysis of the material submitted by children and young people to the bYou Wall, as part of the “Express yourself” campaign.

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