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On November 28th, the Australian government approved the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) law. The legislation prohibits teenagers under 16 years of age from creating social media profiles on platforms such as Instagram, X, Snapchat and Facebook, among others. However, Messenger Kids, WhatsApp,...

Between October 24th and 31st, UNESCO held the Global Media and Information Literacy Week: The New Digital Frontiers of Information: Media and Information Literacy for Public Interest Information. The themes discussed throughout this week were the role of media literacy and the challenges posed by...

The Portuguese Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuing Training (Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua, CCPFC) accredited the “bYou Congress — Children, young people and the media: (dis)connected lives?” as a training course (12h). The accreditation is valid for Educators and Teachers in Basic and Secondary Education (from...

Sara Pereira and Daniel Brandão, researchers of the bYou Project, attended the IV Conferencia Internacional en Comunicación y Tecnologías Aplicadas (IV International Conference on Communication and Applied Technologies) which took place at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in the city of Lima (Peru) between...