Participation in conferences


Brandão, D., & Pereira, S. (2024). Narrativas da liberdade: análise das produções do Concurso ‘Conta-me o 25 de Abril. IV Conferencia Internacional en Comunicación y Tecnologías Aplicadas, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru, September 4-6.

Pereira, S., & Brandão, D. (2024). Vozes Jovens: Explorando a Liberdade de Expressão entre Crianças e Jovens de Portugal. IV Conferencia Internacional en Comunicación y Tecnologías Aplicadas, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru, September 4-6.

Pereira, S., Brandão, D. & Toscano, M. (2024). More media, more access, more participation? Perceptions and practices of Portuguese young people on media and participation. International Conference #YouthMediaLife 2024, University of Vienna, Austria, April 25-28.

Fillol, J., Pereira, S. & Brandão, D. (2024). bYou: a participatory project about children, young people and the media. Outro dia do ICS (Instituto de Ciências Sociais Celebration Day), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, May 27.

Brandão, D. & Pereira, S. (2024). “Shout out, speak out, do something, express yourself!”: a campaign and an online platform to promote children and young people’s expression about the media. International Conference #YouthMediaLife 2024. University of Vienna, Austria, April 25-28.

 Toscano, M.; Pereira, S. & Brandão, D. (2024). How media repertoires change with age: a study with Portuguese children and young people. International Conference #YouthMediaLife 2024. University of Vienna, Austria, April 25-28.

Pereira, S. (2024). Interpret others in and through the media. Intervention at the panel Deconstructing the Other”, within the scope of the X Meeting «Beyond Princesses and Dragons: the Library and Creative Learning», organized by the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha and Albergaria-a-Velha Library Network – RBAAV, with the support of the Interconceptual Coordination of the School Libraries Network. Albergaria, Portugal, March 16.

Pereira, S. & Brandão, D. (2024). Creation of narratives about the other. Workshop organized within the scope of the X Meeting «Beyond Princesses and Dragons: Library and Creative Learning», organized by the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha and Albergaria-a-Velha Library Network – RBAAV, with the support from the Interconceptual Coordination of the School Libraries Network. Albergaria, Portugal, March 16.

Costa, C., Pereira, S. & Toscano, M. (2024). Participation according to children and young people: study with Portuguese students in the 6th, 9th and 12th grades. XIII SOPCOM Congress. Organized by: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade and SOPCOM. Minho University, Portugal, January, 24 – 26.

Pereira, S. & Toscano, M. (2024). Between the media and school: interests of young people in the 6th, 9th and 12th grades. XIII SOPCOM Congress. Organized by: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade and SOPCOM. Minho University, Portugal, January 24-26.


Brandão, D., Correia, C., Martins, N. & Pereira, S. (2023). bYou Mural: study and design of an online platform for young people to express themselves about the media. VI Congresso Ibero-americano de intervenção social: infância e juventude (CIAIS). Pré-Congresso Mundial do X Congresso Mundial de Infância e Juventude (VI Ibero-American Congress of social intervention: childhood and youth (CAIS). Pre-World Congress of the X World Congress on Children and Youth). Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto (ISSSP). Porto, Portugal, November, 20-21.

Pereira, S., Toscano, M. & Menezes, M. (2023). Active voices: interests and concerns of children and young people aged 11-18. VI Congresso Ibero-americano de intervenção social: infância e juventude (CIAIS). Pré-Congresso Mundial do X Congresso Mundial de Infância e Juventude (VI Ibero-American Congress of social intervention: childhood and youth (CAIS). Pre-World Congress of the X World Congress on Children and Youth). Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto (ISSSP). Porto, Portugal, November, 20-21.

Brandão, D. & Pereira, S. (2023). “Shout, Say It, Do It, Express yourself”: a campaign to promote the expression of children and young people about the media. Panel Technologies, democracy and digital risk at the 7th Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Children’s Technology and 3rd Luso-Afro-Brazilian Congress on Childhood and Education,  Organization: Federal University of Alagoas. Maceió, Brazil, October 30 – November 1.

Pereira, S., Brandão, D., & Toscano, M. (2023). Participate is to have a voice: conceptions and types of participation of Portuguese children and young people aged 11 – 18. Panel Technologies, democracy and digital risk at the 7th  Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Children’s Technology and 3rd Luso-Afro-Brazilian Congress on Childhood and Education,  Organization: Federal University of Alagoas. Maceió, Brazil,  October 30 – November 1.

Pereira, S. (2023). Projeto bYou: um estudo das vivências e expressões das crianças e jovens sobre os media (Project bYou: study on children and young people´s experiences and expressions of the media). III Seminário Dar Asas ao Saber (3rd Seminar Giving wings to knowledge), Escola Superior de Educação de Setúbal, IPS.  Setúbal, Portugal, October 27. 

Pereira, S. (2023).  Construindo competências para o mundo atual: Educação Mediática na sociedade digital (Building skills for today´s world. Media education in the digital society). “Seminário MultiRio 30 anos – Criatividade fazendo escola” (MultiRio Seminar 30 years. Creativity for building schools), organized by MultiRio – Empresa Municipal de Multimeios Ltda., Education Municipal Secretary  of Rio de Janeiro at the Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 18.
Pereira, S., & Toscano, M., Menezes, M., & Jardim, C. (2023). Participation through the lenses of children and youth in Portugal: conceptions, forms and reasons for participating and not participating” presented at the conference Disrupted or disruptive audiences? From reception to participation in a post-truth era. Organization: European Communication and Education Association (ECREA) in association with SOPCOM, Lusófona University and NOVA University.  Porto, Portugal, September 12-14.
Pereira, S., & Toscano, M. (2023). Information and disinformation: practices and perspectives of Portuguese adolescents. IAMCR Conference Inhabiting the planet: challenges for media, communication and beyond.  Lyon, France, July 9-13.

Pereira, S. (2023). Os sons do mundo: a informação e a atualidade na escola (The sounds of the world: information and current themes at the school). Seminar Educação (trans)Formar o Presente (Education (trans)Forming the Present). Organization: Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas do Planalto Beirão,  Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares, Rede Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, Rede de Bibliotecas de Tondela.  Municipality of  Tondela, Viseu, Portugal, April 28-29.

Pereira, S. (2023). Making young people connected, informed and critical. Webinar #MyDigitalMe: Connected. Informed. Critical. Organization: ERYICA – European Youth Information and Counselling Agency as part of the European Youth Information Day 2023, April 17.

Pereira, S., & Brandão, D. (2023). Media e tecnologias digitais nos quotidianos de crianças e jovens: impacto na vida social (Media and digital technologies in the daily lives of children and young people: impacts on social life). XII Congresso Português de Sociologia (XII Portuguese Sociology Congress). Organization: São Francisco Convent and Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal, April 4 – 6.

Pereira, S. (2023). Dar voz às crianças e aos jovens: objetivos e metodologia do projeto bYou (Giving children and young people a voice: objectives and methodology of the bYou project) presented during the Symposium La participación como competencia clave en la educación mediática at the  IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Mediática y Competencia Digital (IV International Conference on Media Education and Digital Competency) at Valladolid University. Segovia, Spain, March 30 – 31.

Pinto, M. (2023). Criar espaço, escutar e participar: notas introdutórias (Create spaces, listen and participate: introductory notes) presented during the Symposium La participación como competencia clave en la educación mediática at the  IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Mediática y Competencia Digital (IV International Conference on Media Education and Digital Competency) at Valladolid University. Segovia, Spain, March 30 – 31.

Costa, C. (2023). Consumo e produção mediática de crianças e jovens: uma leitura a partir do inquérito do projeto bYou (Media consumption and production by children and young people: an analysis based on the bYou project survey) presented during the Symposium La participación como competencia clave en la educación mediática at the  IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Mediática y Competencia Digital (IV International Conference on Media Education and Digital Competency) at Valladolid University. Segovia, Spain, March 30 – 31.

Toscano, M. (2023). Conceções e tipos de participação de crianças e jovens: uma leitura a partir dos grupos focais do projeto bYou (Conceptions and types of participation of children and young people: an analysis based on the focus groups of the bYou project), presented during the Symposium La participación como competencia clave en la educación mediática at the  IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Mediática y Competencia Digital (IV International Conference on Media Education and Digital Competency) at Valladolid University. Segovia, Spain, March 30 – 31.

Brandão, D. (2023). Promover a expressão e a participação de crianças e jovens: o mural de expressões bYou (Promoting the expression and participation of children and young people: the bYou online mural Express Yourself) presented during the Symposium La participación como competencia clave en la educación mediática at the  IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Mediática y Competencia Digital (IV International Conference on Media Education and Digital Competency) at Valladolid University. Segovia, Spain, March 30 – 31.

Pereira, S. (2023). Do acesso à participação: práticas mediáticas e cultura participativa de crianças e jovens (From access to participation: media practices and participatory culture of children and young people) presented during the Seminar O futuro da educação está aqui. Verso e reverso do acesso aos dispositivos digitais-ecrãs. (The future of education is here. Both sides of access to digital devices-screens). Organization: Fundação Manuel Leão. Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, March 1.

Pereira, S. (2023). A pedagogia da comunicação e dos media na escola (Communication and media pedagogy at the school) presented during the 3º Congresso das Escolas – A Pedagogia das Escolas (3rd School Congress – School Pedagogy). Organization: Associação Nacional de Diretores de Agrupamentos e Escolas Públicas,  Associação dos Estabelecimentos do Ensino Particular e Cooperativo,  Associação Nacional de Dirigentes Escolares and Associação Nacional de Escolas Profissionais, in association with the municipality of Braga. Braga, Portugal, March 3-4.


Pereira, S. (2022). Children and young people as media consumers: the next step is participation. International Webinar Digital Youth – Skills and Literacy. Organization: Observatório da Juventude dos Açores (OJA) in association with Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais at Açores University and the Autonomous Government of Açores Region. Açores, Portugal, December 15. 
Brandão, D., Martins, N., Almeida, N., & Correia, C. (2022). Interactive and participative digital design strategies and tools: a study of websites for youngsters. ECREA 9th European Communication Conference at Aarhus University. Denmark, October 19-22.

Pereira, S. Toscano, M. & Pinto, M. (2022). Children and young people media repertoires: a Portuguese study. “ECREA 9th European Communication Conference”, Aarhus University. Denmark, October 19-22. 

Pereira, S. (2022). O que (não) fazemos com as tecnologias: a comunicação e a expressão como competências fundamentais (What we (don’t) do with technologies: communication and expression as fundamental skills). “Sentidos – Congresso Internacional sobre Educação: Literacias, Inclusão e Tecnologias” (Senses – International Congress on Education: Literacies, Inclusion and Technologies). Organization: Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal, October 21-22.

Pereira, S., Toscano, M., Brandão, D., Pinto, D. & Costa, C. (2022). Children’s media worlds in their own words: results of a quantitative study with Portuguese young audiences” presented during the 1st International Conference on Child Studies”. Organization: Minho University, Braga, Portugal, September 13-15.

Pereira, S., Pinto, M., & Toscano, M. (2022). Media in everyday life: first results of a study with Portuguese children aged 11-18 years old presented during the IAMCR Conference, July 11 – 15.

Pinto, D., Pereira, S., Costa, C. & Jardim, C. (2022). Children, young people and participation in and through the media: A systematic literature review presented during the IAMCR Conference, July 11 – 15.

Pereira, S., & Toscano, M. (2022). Studying children’s media practices: methodological and ethical challenges presented during the Conference “Media and Publics”. Roskilde University. Denmark, April 28-29.


Pinto, D., & Pereira, S. (2021). Health Information – Where do teens get it? presented at the “8th ECREA European Communication Conference”, September 6 -9 (online).

Pereira, S. (2021). As crianças e os ambientes digitais (Children and digital environments) presented at the “XIX Encontro Nacional de Educação Infantil (ENEI)” – (XIX National Early Childhood Education) and “I Encontro Nacional dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (ENEF)” – (I National Meeting of Primary Education).  Organization: Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova. Natal, Brazil, September 22-24. (online).

Pereira, S., & Brandão, D. (2021). bYou – presenting a research project about children and young people’s experiences and expressions of the media. Online conference within the programme of the Media Education Research Section (MER) at the annual conference of the “International Association for Media and Communication Research”. IAMCR Online, hosted by the United States International University. Africa, July 11-15.

Pereira, S., & Toscano, M. (2021). Media literacy in the school library: outlining a plan for action presented at the International Congress on 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2021). Organization: Campus do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre. Portugal, July 15-16 (online).

Pereira, S., Brandão, D., & Pinto M. (2021). bYou: A research proposal about and with children and youngsters as creative agents of change through the use of the media. Paper presentation at the “12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE)”, under the affiliated conference “Track Advances in Human Dynamics for the Development of Contemporary Societies”.  New York, July 25-29 (online).

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