Within the scope of the «Conta-me o 25 de Abril» (Tell me the 25th of April) national contest, the bYou project – Study on children and young peoples’s experiences and expressions of the media – and MILObs Observatory received 129 sound and video productions from various geographical areas of Portugal. The number reveals the acceptance of the initiative.
It was a challenging task for the contest panel to evaluate and select the winners. When analyzing the works, the pannel also came across some copyright problems that made the task even more difficult.
The bYou project would like to thank all the participants for the work and participation. The results will not leave everyone satisfied, but the most important thing in this type of contest is participation and pride in the work submited. Bearing this purpose in mind, the bYou project team asks participants for understanding and acceptance.
The winners of the contest are as follows:
1st Prize
“Um cheirinho de Abril”, Lara Tavares, Tiago Botelho and Tomás Almeida, Centro Escolar de Tarouca, Agrupamento de Escola Dr. José Leite Vasconcelos, Tarouca
2nd Prize
“O que sei do 25 de Abril”, Allan Filho, Maria Eduarda Gonçalves and Margarida Cabral, Escola Básica Professor Manuel Gaião, Cascais
3rd Prize
“50 Anos de Abril”, Rita Sota, Lourenço Nuno and Eduarda Galinha, Escola Básica de Fialho de Almeida de Cuba, Agrupamento de Escolas de Cuba, Cuba
Honorable mention
“Viver Abril nos Açores”, Letícia Andrade, Escola Básica e Secundária de Santa Maria, Açores
1st Prize ex-aequo
“As Cores da Liberdade”, Francisco Tarré and Inês Serra, Escola Artística António Arroio, Lisboa
“Os cravos também vivem no campo”, Rute de Oliveira, Agrupamento de Escolas Lima-de-Faria, Cantanhede
2nd Prize
“Linguarejos”, Leonardo Santos, Rafael Andrade and Rodrigo Fernandes, Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Serafim Leite, São João da Madeira
3rd Prize
“Receita para a ditadura”, André Magalhães, Guilherme Moreira and Joana Carneiro, Escola Básica e Secundária de Lousada Norte, Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Mário Fonseca, Lousada
Honorable mention
“Regresso ao passado”, Leonor Curato, Letícia Ferreira and Pedro Issing, Escola Secundário de Santo André, Barreiro
“Canta-me o 25 de Abril”, Gabriela Neves Gomes, Escola Profissional Cenatex, Guimarães
Congratulations to the winners!
The prizes will be awarded at an event that will take place on April 24th, starting at 2:30 pm, at the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library, in Braga.
We invite everyone who participated in the contest to this event. We would like all the children and young people who submited productions to be present – this event is also for them. All the speakers on that day debate are young people aged 14 to 17 years old. The entrance is free.
All the submissions that respect audio and video copyright will soon be published on the bYou digital wall.t

Mais informarções em byou@ics.uminho.pt