School recess: Portuguese parliament didn’t approve a ban on the use of mobile phones

The Portuguese party with parliamentary representation Bloco de Esquerda (BE) presented a bill to ban 1st and 2nd cycles pupils (children aged 6 to 12) from using their mobile phones during breaks. Only Livre and PAN MPs supported the measure, PS and PCP abstained and the majority of MPs opposed it – PSD, Iniciativa Liberal, CDS-PP. These parties argue that the decision on whether or not to ban the use of mobile phones in the playground should be taken by each school, respecting their autonomy.

The PAN had also proposed that schools should create ‘technology-free zones’, but this proposal was also rejected by the majority.

The measure advocated by the Bloco de Esquerda was based on a petition, signed by more than 23,000 people, calling for school playgrounds to be made mobile phone free. In other words, the ban on the use of mobile phones which already applies inside the classroom would be extended to the palyground in the 1st and 2nd cycles.

The failure of the measure does not mean, however, that the parties believe that the excessive use of mobile phones by children is without its dangers. They all recognised the risks.

In fact, in September, the government announced that it would issue a recommendation to all schools to ban mobile phone use in the 1st and 2nd cycles and encourage limited use in the 3rd cycle (children aged 13 to 15). The current Minister of Education, Fernando Alexandre, even stated that there is now ‘evidence that the use of smartphones can be a disadvantage for learning and can worsen children’s well-being’.

According to the Público newspaper, in the 2023/24 school year, only 2% of schools banned the use of mobile phones at break times.

Imagem: Freepik pic

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