More than a hundred people gathered on April 24th at the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library (Braga), to celebrate and discuss freedom with six young people from different parts of Portugal.
The students highlighted the importance of freedom of expression and thought, and of being true to oneself. They also emphasized that freedom requires respect and the constant need to exercise democracy. The limited role of schools in promoting citizenship and critical reflection was criticized.
The protagonists of the debate “Tell me about Freedom” were Ana B. Pereira (student at Escola Secundária Vitorino Nemésio, Terceira Island), Catarina Costa (also a student at Escola Secundária Vitorino Nemésio), Diogo Silva (student at Escola Secundária Carlos Amarante, Braga), Gabriel Antão (who attends Escola Básica da Branca, from Albergaria-a-Velha), Rodrigo Moço (from the same school in Braga) and Sofia Vieira de Araújo (student at Escola Secundária de Ponte de Lima).
The event organized by bYou project and MILObs also featured readings performed by bachelor students enrolled in Communication Sciences at UMinho. During the event the prizes of the contest “Conta-me o 25 de Abril” were distributed. The list of the award winners is available here.

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